Timetable system issue

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Affected Services
Incident Updates
Timetable system issue
Fri Oct 1 2021 - 11:56:14

The Timetable system (https://timetable.york.ac.uk) is currently down.

This is being investigated as a priority and we will provide further updates as soon as possible.

Timetable system - working but at risk
Fri Oct 1 2021 - 14:04:19

https://timetable.york.ac.uk/ is now accessible once again, but the service is still at risk.

We are continuing to work with the supplier to investigate the issue and will provide further updates as we get them.

Timetable - service restored
Fri Oct 1 2021 - 14:06:53

We've had confirmation from the supplier that service has been restored and is now stable.